Understanding risk and its financial impact is crucial for cybersecurity decision-making. Key concepts like Asset Value (AV), Exposure Factor (EF), Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE), and Annual Cost of Safeguard (ACS) help quantify potential losses and assess the effectiveness of countermeasures.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to protect the privacy of individuals by regulating the collection, use, and storage of their personal data by organizations and the free movement of personal data within EU. This is what GDPR states in his 1st article.
In questo post rispondiamo alla domanda : cosa impone il Principio di Responsabilizzazione al Titolare del trattamento? O per dirla in parole povere, cosa devono fare i Titolari del trattamento per rispettare il GDPR ?
Among the plethora of Risk Definitions, which one is the best ? Are we supposed to choose one ? Risk is universal, we encounter it in our lives daily, and we are constantly facing it whenever we take a decision, what makes things more interesting is that Risk is not always so easy to measure. That makes Risk Management an art. Lets see some definitions of it provided by some very famous institutions.