The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to protect the privacy of individuals by regulating the collection, use, and storage of their personal data by organizations and the free movement of personal data within EU. This is what GDPR states in his 1st article.
In questo post rispondiamo alla domanda : cosa impone il Principio di Responsabilizzazione al Titolare del trattamento? O per dirla in parole povere, cosa devono fare i Titolari del trattamento per rispettare il GDPR ?
Security Controls represents the natural intersection between compliance and cybersecurity. For example, they are one of the best ways to demonstrate the Accountability requested by GDPR in many articles to data controllers and data processors.
La dimensione di un’Azienda non è rilevante quando si tratta di applicabilità del GDPR. Il GDPR, infatti, trova applicazione per ogni Azienda che tratta dati personali indipendentemente dal fatto che l'azienda sia una microimpresa o una multinazionale di dimensioni ciclopiche.
The sensitivity to data referring to people has had a very strong acceleration in the last twenty years.
In recent years, however, two distinct phenomena have completely changed the perspective: the digitalization and diffusion of the internet.
Blockchain is a technology, by definition, unable to forget and resistant to censorship. These characteristics, its versatility, its being suitable for use in many fields, and the Bitcoin explosion have determined its rise in recent years.
At the same time, attention has grown in recent years, especially in Europe, towards the protection of personal data.